Installation & Unity Package Contents

Installation & Unity Package Contents

Our Unity SDK package contains the following files, organized by folder:

- Didimo - This is the main folder of this project.
   - Editor - Contains scripts to edit the services request configuration from the Unity Editor window.
   - EyeVariations_2K - Contains sample eye variations used in the sample scene.
   - Fonts - Contains the OpenSans font.
   - Hair - Contains scripts and other assets to add hair or other deformable accessories.
   - Lighting - Contains lighting assets.
   - Materials - contains all the necessary materials to properly render our models in the scene.
   - Prefabs - Our default camera, lights, login manager (UI), and template Didimo model prefabs.
   - Resources - Contains images, animations, and other assets to be loaded at runtime.
   - Scenes - Contains sample scenes where you can test the download process and rendering at runtime.
   - Scripts - All the scripts used in the SDK.
   - Speech - Contains classes for playing speech animations.
   - Sprites - Supporting assets from selected Unity samples, namely Menu (for the menu UI).
- InfiniteScrollPlugin - Thid-party plugin used in the hair gallery component.
- UnityZip-master - Thid-party plugin used for uncompressing zip files.
- ApiKey - Prefab for holding the API Key obtained from the Customer Portal

You can import the package by double-clicking the package file, or by selecting: Assets → Import Package → Custom package.

Other Package Content

Rendering & Shaders

Didimo provides a Unity setup and a realtime shader library that can allow for visual consistency across a number of different rendering environments. To this end, within Unity, Didimo offers a specific Didimo HD Scriptable Render Pipeline which aims to replicate the visual appearance of the Maya realtime viewport. It’s likely that there will be slightly different versions depending on the rendering environment, at least in the short term, as each rendering environment has a different rendering API, often written in different languages: for example Maya is C++ and Unity is C#, with different architectural approaches to rendering.


  • Shader: generally speaking a file containing code to determine the output of a pixel value

  • Material: an instance of a shader that is assigned to geometry, with the uniform parameters potentially differing for each instance

  • Varying variable: potentially changes with each execution of a shader function, for example the vertex shader is called for each vertex, so the position variable will likely vary with each vertex shader call

  • Uniform parameter: does not change between each shader call. This could be a number, an array of numbers, a texture sampler etc

  • Lookdev: short for look development, this is the process of setting / adjusting the uniform parameters of a material to get the desired result


The SDK includes shaders for rendering high quality didimos in desktop and mobile targets.

Go to Shaders For Unity

Unity Scriptable Render Pipeline

The SDK includes our custom HD Scriptable Render Pipeline for Unity.

Go to Didimo Render Pipeline

Material State Files

The material state file is platform-agnostic and each rendering environment can use this to set the parameters (uniforms) for each material. So for example, if a material is lookdev’d in Maya, a material state file can then be generated and imported into Unity or our browser renderer and applied to the parameters of the equivalent material, ensuring the material looks the same in both environments.

Go to Working with material state files


This section will describe the included animations. Our SDK provides support to animations. Browsing the project assets, you will find related files under Assets\Didimo\Animation :

   - Animations - *this might be deleted* currently includes the openMouth animation (i think that it might be used by Tom in the render scene)
   - Data - contains sample animations and FACS (Facial Action Coding System) *including videos of Maria (to be deleted)*
   - Misc - *this might be deleted*
   - Prefab - contains a realtime rig prefab
   - Scenes - contains a sample scene
   - Scripts - contains classes for playing animations

Go to Animation Player


Our SDK provides support to text-to-speech. Browsing the project assets, you will find related files under Assets\Didimo\Speech :

   - Scripts - contains classes for playing speech animations such as the viseme player.

Go to Text-To-Speech

Hair Support & Hairstyles & Other Deformable Accessories

Our SDK provides support to hair and other deformable accessories. Browsing the project assets, you will find related files under Assets\Didimo\Hair :

- *3D_Models* - contains the meshes for the hairstyles;
- *Hairstyles_Buttons* - contains preview images of the available hairstyles;
- *Materials* - contains the materials used on the hairstyles;
- *Textures* - contains the textures referenced by the materials used for hair;
- *Prefabs* - contains ready to use hairstyles. Drag and drop them onto a scene to view them. Our sample code uses these prefabs to instantiate hairstyles at runtime.

Go to Producing hair or other deformable assets

Editor Scripts

Since you can download didimos from various tools, we include scripts to import didimos into the assets folder and instantiate it on the active. In this section, we show how you can use the editor scripts included in the Unity SDK to import didimos zips directly into the scene.

Didimo scripts in the Unity Editor menu

Go to Editor scripts

Continue to Exploring the sample scenes

Last updated on 2020-10-06