Unity SDK

In this section we will cover all required information related to the use of the Didimo Unity SDK. In addition to the SDK, Didimo also has a Unity Didimo Editor plugin available on the Unity Asset Store, however this is not required for implementation of the SDK.

If you don't have the plugin for the Unity Editor installed you can download it for free from the Unity Store before proceeding, but you are not required to do so.

Installation & Unity Package Contents

Go to Installation & Unity Package Contents

Didimo API

Didimo API supports two kinds of authentication: HTTP sessions and API key. For this project, we will be using API key authentication method, which will require a pair of API and Secret provided by us. If you have not created an API key, please refer to (Register an application)

For your convenience, there is an “ApiKey” prefab in the project’s root folder, where you can edit your credentials. This prefab is inserted in both of our scenes and will automatically make all requests have the required authentication headers.

Please note that you should not employ ApiKey authentication directly on your production app. You can check the DidimoLogin class to see an example of how to use HTTP sessions. With this set, you can start exploring our sample scenes.

You can check our API documentation in https://docs.didimo.co/api, and example requests to the API (used in our sample scenes) in the ServicesRequests class.

Codebase & Sample Scenes

The purpose of this sample code is to show how to load the Didimos generated by the Didimo API into a running Unity Scene, on desktop platforms. Additional platforms may have some functionality not working and may need extra work (e.g. file browser). By reading this document, you will learn how to navigate our sample scenes, and how to use our loader scripts for connecting to the Didimo API, instantiate didimos, and play animations. Our SDK also contains source code to call our API endpoints.

Public sample didimo instantiated at runtime:

Public sample didimo instantiated at runtime

Go to Exploring the sample scenes

Multiple templates

Our Unity SDK provides support to multiple templates. You will be able to load didimos, play animations and change hairstyle, using different templates. You can check the didimo's metadata to view these properties and other features, such as if the model supports deformation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Check our SDK FAQ page for other topics.

Go to FAQ

Last updated on 2020-10-06